Research report on the cultural scene in Kosovo
This document is drafted by two international experts under the framework of the Culture for Change program, summarizes important information on Kosovo’s cultural scene. In addition to interviews with about 27 directors of cultural organizations and local artists, this research illustrates the current situation of the independent scene and cultural institutions in Kosovo as well as the challenges they face. According to the findings, the authors of this research have given their recommendations for the steps to be taken toward further development and growth of the cultural scene of Kosovo.
Culture for Change_Raport hulumtimi_Research report_Izvestaj istrazivanja
Manual for Strategic Growth
This manual that was designed within the framework of the Culture for Change project covers key areas that cultural initiatives should consider in their work, such as strategic planning, fundraising and communications. Each of these processes is explained simply in this manual, with advice on concrete and gradual steps that organisations/initiatives can take to improve in these three areas. This manual is designed as an introductory document, with practical advice for relatively inexperienced cultural initiatives in strategic planning, helping them become more sustainable and result oriented in their work.
Culture for Change – Manual for Strategic Development