On 19th of June 2019
at 19:00h
Address: str. Idriz Gjilani, 7/9, Dardania, (in front of primary school "Xhemail Mustafa")
With: Daniela Danz, Ervina Halili, Sonja Harter, Arben Idrizi, Blerina Rogova-Gaxha, Raphael Urweider and Jan Wagner
Jan Wagner and Federico Italiano, poets and editors in crime, embark on a poetic journey through Europe – from the coldest, northernmost tips of the continent, through lush forests and wide-open plains, to the balmy strips of land along the Mediterranean coast. Their impressions of the land and the people are recorded in the newly published book "Grand Tour. Reisen durch die junge Lyrik Europas", an expansive anthology of contemporary European poetry.
As part of the “German Language Days/Tage der deutschen Sprache” in Prishtina the anthology will be presented by a veritable choir of poets. On stage, Jan Wagner will be joined by Daniela Danz (D), Sonja Harter (A), Raphael Urweider (CH) as well as Ervina Halili, Arben Idrizi, and Blerina Rogova-Gaxha.
Join us for an eye-opening jaunt through the continent – from Berlin, via Vienna and Bern, to Prishtina – no passports nor IDs needed.
The event will be held in German and Albanian with interpretation.