Kosovo National Theater, Adriana Theater Ferizaj, Local Theater of Gjilan and Qendra Multimedia from Prishtina have signed a memorandum of collaboration by which they pledge to engage jointly in the organizing of this year’s edition of Kosovo Theater Showcase 2019, which will take place from October 31 to November 4, 2019.
At least six plays produced by theaters that have signed this memorandum are expected to be presented as part of this edition. The 2019 edition of the showcase is expected to bring to Kosovo around fifty art critiques, journalists, festival selectors and theater lovers from different parts of the world.
Besides Prishtina, the showcase will also be taking place in other cities of Kosovo. This way, international guests will have the rare opportunity to not only see the recent trends of theatre scene in Kosovo, but also enjoy the great hosting tradition and beautiful landscape of Kosvoo. There will also be a complementary program of this edition that will include discussions, panels and music evenings.
The memorandum has been signed by Agim Sopi, the director of the Kosovo National Theater; Fatmir Hyseni, the director of Adriana Theater; Erson Zymberi, the theater of the Local Theater of Gjilan and Jeton Neziraj, the director of Qendra Multimedia.
Kosovo Theater Showcase 2019 is part of the cultural platform Cultural Platform of Kosovo 2019+.