Workshops “Dëshmorët e kombit”
During October and November, the Culture for Change program organized a series of storytelling workshops with pupils from 5 municipalities in Kosovo. These workshops aimed at increasing the culture of reading among pupils as well as to understand the importance of reading in their intellectual formation. The first workshop was organized on 16 October with the pupils of the school “Dëshmorët e kombit” and “Fan S. Noli” in Kamenica.
The second workshop was held on October 19 with the pupils of the school “Naim Frashëri” in Podujeva.
The third workshop was held on October 20 with the pupils of the school “Dëshmorët e Vitisë” and “Nijazi Rexhepi” in Viti.
The fourth workshop was held on October 20 with the pupils of the school “Emin Duraku” in Kaçanik.
The fifth workshop was held on November 6 with the pupils of the school “Selman Riza” in Fushë Kosovë.
The Culture for Change program is funded by the European Union, managed by the EU Office in Kosovo and implemented by Qendra Multimedia and the Goethe-Institut.