Title: Theater and nationalism
Author: Team of authors
Publishing year: 2011
Publisher: Qendra Multimedia
Introduction: This publication sums up the texts written as a result of the conference with the same title as the playwrights, directors, artists, and local and international writers from post-war areas held in 2010 in Prishtina. Edited by James Thompson of Jeton Neziraj, the texts of this publication refer to the theater's interplay and its role in the nationalist social outcrops of post-confluence societies.
About the author: James Thompson is a professor of applied theater at Manchester University. He has established theater centers in prisons and detention centers as co-founder of In Place of War - a project exploring the role of arts in post-conflict war zones. Jeton Neziraj (1977) is a Kosovar playwright and director of Qendra Multimedia in Prishtina.