On Tuesday (December 22) at 11:00 at ODA Theater in Prishtina, Qendra Multimedia and Goethe Institut organize the closing event of the Culture for Change Program.
During the implementation period, through this program we have had the chance to support over 90 organizations of the independent cultural scene of Kosovo as well as individual artists. Throughout this journey, within the book donations program, we have enriched local public libraries as well as created new ones in various institutions such as theaters, cultural centers and primary and secondary schools.
Culture for Change has served as a bridge between tens of cultural organizations, local and international artists as well as educational institutions, thus creating a wide network that will continue being fruitful even after the program is over.
Për të reflektuar për arritjet e programit në këto tri vjet si dhe për gjërat që mund t’i kishim bërë më mirë, kemi kënaqësinë t’iu ftojmë në ngjarjen përmbyllëse të programit “Kultura për Ndryshim të martën (22 dhjet0r) nga ora 11:00 në Teatrin ODA në Prishtinë.
To reflect on the achievements of the program during these three years as well as things we could’ve done better, we are happy to invite you to the closing event of the Culture for Change program on Tuesday (December 22) at 11:00 at ODA Theater in Prishtina.
During this event we will present the research report on cultural scene in Kosovo as well as the documentary reflecting the stories of the Culture for Change beneficiaries.
The event will be livestreamed on our Facebook Page (Qendra Multimedia)
Physical participation is limited due to the measures against the spread of COVID_19.
Culture for Change was financed and managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by Qendra Multimedia and Goethe Institut.