This play comes as a theatre collaboration between Qendra Multimedia from Prishtina, “Adriana” Theatre in Ferizaj and “Pfalzbaubühnen” Theatre in Ludwigshafen.
The director of the play Schletter, claims: “We wanted to find a universal topic that portrays the similarities more than the differences in a globalized world. Love is the most universal topic we could find, for young people. It is borderless and timeless”. The German director, Stefan Schletter, has an extensive experience in theatre for youth and educative theatre.
Compared to many other cultural activities, where the focus is in the capital of the country, this play aims at reaching the youth of more peripheral cities, such as Ferizaj, Tetova, Ludwingshafen, etc., where not a lot of theatre or cultural activities are organized during the year. Besides Kosovo, the play will be also given in Macedonia, Germany, and Albania.
“Werther” is financed from Goethe Institut and the Municipality of Ferizaj. Qendra Multimedia is financed by the European Union Office in Prishtina.
The theatre play for youth, “Werther” by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, comes to “Adriana” Theatre in Ferizaj, directed by the German theatre director Stefan Schletter. Rehearsals for the play have begun a few days ago, while the premiere of the play will be given on 27th of April. The cast of the play includes: Jajush Ramadani, Milot Salihu and Edona Berisha Bekteshi. Nora Jentzsch is responsible for the stage and costume design, while Kushtrim Shemsedini will be on guitar.