Today, on 6th of July 2018 within Culture for Change project, Qendra Multimedia donated 61 books valued 364 EUR, in the municipal library of Podujevë/Podujevo. This book donation event included 24 titles of local and international authors, including: Jeton Neziraj, Juri Hudolin, Sasa Ilic, Ballsor Hoxha, Arben Idrizi, Gregory Pardlo, Ralph Hamerthaler etc.
During Culture for Change project which lasts 3 years, there will be about 20 book donation events in several libraries in Kosovo, especially in those located in more peripheral and rural areas. This part of the project aims at increasing the number of books in the libraries, in order to offer to the readers a wide diversity of titles when visiting the library.
Culture for Change is an EU funded project managed by the EU Office in Kosovo and implemented by Qendra Multimedia and Goethe-Institut