Literature festival “Zana”
For the first time in Mitrovica begins the literature festival “Zana” which will promote cultural exchanges in the field of literary and artistic creativity as a bridge between communities.
Zana will focus on gender issues, this time with a focus on Mitrovica poets. In this edition “Zana” will come under the slogan “Bridging words”.
Throughout Zana Literature Festival will be organized: Zana Poetry Events, Zana Debate, Zana Mural and Zana Poetry Book;
Today, in 25th October 2020, we invite you to check out Zana Poetry Events:
Albanian edition in RTK1 at 16:30;
Serbian edition in RTK2 17:00;
This project was supported by Culture for Change program managed and financed by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by Qendra Multimedia and Goethe Institut.