On 6th of April 2018, the biography of the great Albanian actor, “Alexander Moissi. Trieste – Berlin – New York. An actor legend” by the German writer Rüdiger Schaper, was promoted in Albanian in the National Theatre of Kosovo in Prishtinë. The same book promotion was held as well on 7th of April 2018, in Peja in the city library "Azem Shkreli".
This book came as a shared project between Qendra Multimedia in Prishtinë, Publishing House PA and Traduki. The book was published in November 2017. It has already been promoted in Berlin in March 2018 and now it was promoted in Kosovo.
The author of the book Rüdiger Schaper and the translator Feride Xh. Berisha were present during the event. The author declared that he is very satisfied that the book has been translated in Albanian language. He read parts of the book and answered several questions from the participants in the event.