about venue

hap-sinæ qua non

The performative space,which we have called hap-sinæ qua non is an integral part of Qendra Multimedia.

hap-sinæ qua non is composed by two physical spaces; the entry part and the hall. The entry part can be used for exhibitions and minimalist activities; meanwhile the hall as the main space can be used for activities of different formats like theatre performances, concerts, workshops, exhibitions, video projections and other activities of this nature.

hap-sinæ qua non is equipped with lighting, sound system and a video beamer.

In standard conditions it can have an audience up to 100 people.


  •  v. 1 v. 2 v. 3 v. 4

    Hap-sinæ qua non

    hap-sinæ qua non can be rented by interested parties. For arrangements contact:
    [email protected]
    or directly
    +381 38 555799 

    Qendra Multimedia
    hap-sinæ qua non
    Rr. Idriz Gjilani 7/9 – 1

    (Përballë Shkollës Fillore “Xhemajl Mustafa”)
    Lagja Dardania, 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo