Titulli: Aeneas 06 (Two plays)
Autori: Jeton Neziraj dhe Michael Devine
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Përshkrimi: “Aeneas wounded" by Jeton Neziraj, was staged for the first time on October 24, 2006 by Qendra Multimedia, at the Dodona Theatre, in Prishtina, Kosovo, as one part of the performance titled, “Enea 06”. The other play was “Aeneas Ghost” by Michael Devine. Both plays were directed by Michael Devine. The actors were: Anisa Ismaili, Basri Lushtaku, Arta Selimi, and Shkelzen Veseli. The play can be performed with only four actors. Some of the scenes are inspired by real events and some by Marin Sorescu’s poems.
Për autorin: Jeton Neziraj (1977) është dramaturg kosovar dhe drejtor i Qendra Multimedia në Prishtinë.