Promotion of the biography “Alexander Moissi”- Rüdiger Schaper
Prishtinë, 6 April 2018
Qendra Multimedia promotes the biography of the great Albanian actor in Albanian, “Alexander Moissi. Trieste – Berlin – New York. An actor legend” by the German writer Rüdiger Schaper.
The Albanian actor, Alexander Moissi, who began his career in Austria, and continued in Berlin and in the whole world, and ended it in Italy, remains one of the most important Albanian personalities. Moissi died in 1935 in Vienna. He was one of the actors that participated in every range of the European theatre literature, from the ancient Greek tragedy up to the modern times. This book came as a shared project between Qendra Multimedia in Prishtinë, Publishing House PA and Traduki. The book was published in November 2017.
Rüdiger Schaper, the writer of the book, was born in 1959 in Worms (Rheinland-Pfalz). The German author, journalist and theatre critic, lives and works in Berlin, and since 1999, he works in “Tagesspiegel” newspaper, where he is the director of the literature section.
The book was translated by Feride Xh. Berisha. She was born in Prishtinë in 1966. She has translated several distinguished German authors’ works. She lives in Prishtinë and Berlin.
The book has already been promoted in Berlin in the beginning of March 2018, and now it will be promoted in Prishtinë on 6th of April 2018, in the National Theatre of Kosovo, at 11:00.